Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Three Dancers: In Depth

Picassos painting are extremely personal and full of symbolism. Many people have tried to inpret his work and understand this very private and enigmatic painter. The Three Dancers (1925) is one of his most famous paintings, and was influnced by the surrealist movement. It is often interpreted that this violent, sexual painting depicts a deadly love triangle between his close friends. The dancer on the right is possibly Picasso's close friend Ramon Pichot, who died while Picassso was painting this. On the left is Pinchot's wife Germaine Gargallo and the center is Gargallo's boyfriend and Picasso's friend Carlos Casagermas. Apparently Casagermas was in love with Gargallo and I guess when it was unrequited he tried to shoot her. When he missed Casagermas took his own life. 25 years later Pichot died and critics believe that Pichot's death combined with the anniversary of his other friend Casagermas's death inspired him to paint this.

There are some critics who believe that because Picasso was so secretive he might have spread or encouraged the rumor that the dancer on the right is Ramon Pichot to throw people off. Some critics believe this is actually Picassos wife Olga Khokhlova. The figure on the right does not have the characteristic beard that Pichot always had (pictured below).
Some people believe that this painting is more influenced by the dissolving marriage between Picasso and his wife, Olga. Either of these theories make sense considering how love, sex, and death are linked in this painting and in both of these stories.

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